How to Catch Redfish From a Pier
Do you want to know some of the best tips and tricks on how to catch redfish from a pier? There is no other fish like the redfish, and when you land a good one, you’ll be thrilled beyond words. The smell of the sea and the satisfaction of reeling in a big catch is unlike anything else in the world.
But casting your line from the shore or a boat can be counterintuitive in several ways if you want to know how to catch redfish from a pier. The water on the beach often needs to be deeper than if usually is to catch redfish, and a boat is something only some have on hand. So, what can you do if you want to know how to catch redfish from a pier?
Why Catch Redfish?
What’s so unique about redfish? Redfish are some of the most popular inshore fish to snag. They are a popular strong-fighting game fish and when of legal size, are used in several delectable dishes and soups.
Predominantly, redfish eat other small fish and reef-or-structure-dwelling creatures as that are in the areas where they inhabit. Redfish do not usually strike and tug like bass, preferring to nibble and bite gently. This makes catching them a task of patience and fortitude rather than brute strength and endurance. Depending on what kind of redfish you are trying to catch, you will need different redfish rigs for pier and deep-sea fishing.
When are Redfish Most Active?
Having the best redfish rigs for pier fishing won’t mean much if you do not try to capture redfish at precisely the right time. Most redfish hunt between 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM. You’ll find that this is when the sun is highest and provides the most warmth for the water. However, some say they can be caught earlier in warmer places near the pier.
Most saltwater bodies fluctuate in temperature, so ensure you bring along the right pier fishing kits to ensure your lure, line, and bait will be suitable for how to catch redfish from a pier. The time of year you choose to fish is also essential, as fish are less active in colder months and not likely to chase after feed unless they are starving.
What Kind of Bait?
Mullet is an excellent bait to help you learn how to catch redfish from a pier. While redfish eat crabs and shellfish, keep in mind that they target what is most accessible. It is recommended you use fresh mullet, as frozen mullet can soften and fall off in the water. But if you want a dependable soft bait that many redfish rigs use for pier fishing, shrimp-shaped soft bait works best.
Using soft bait can also be less risky in colder months. Redfish are unlikely to search for food, so providing fresh bait can sometimes be a waste of money, while soft bait is reusable and longer-lasting.
What Kind of Rig?
The type of redfish rigs for pier fishing changes depending on where you are trying to catch redfish. That being said, there are some universal tips to keep in mind. Rigs, and by extension all hooks, can get caught on reefs, rocks, and other debris in the ocean and around the pier. Ensuring you have the right tools in your pier fishing kits is essential to helping re-rig or repair your line should something happen.
Many experts recommend you use rigging that better suits where you will fish for redfish. Research the area, and pick a spot on the pier where there is very little debris or obstructions.
Fishing From a Pier
If you are thinking about how to catch redfish from a pier, you are probably wondering why fishing from a pier might be more beneficial than a boat. The truth is, boats are expensive to maintain and rent while a pier is open to the public. Piers are also great for involving friends and family in your adventure. You can teach them how to catch redfish from a pier or enjoy conversation while they check out the stores and beaches nearby. Most piers have a tackle shop, restaurant, or gift shop related to the area, but RiteAngler.com has everything you need, right here!
Things to Keep in Mind When Fishing From a Pier
While casting your line and showing everyone how to catch redfish from a pier can be fantastic fun, there are a few things to keep in mind before you begin your adventure.
Piers are Communal
Piers are not a place of privacy. You must ensure people have room to cast their line without getting yours tangled. In addition to that, be sure to clean up after yourself so the next angler can have a clean spot to cast their line. Try not to leave old lines, fish guts, or dirty towels behind.
One of the benefits of a communal pier is the social aspect. You can ask where the fish are biting or make a new friend. You can enjoy a beautiful weekend adventure even with someone you don’t know.
Know the Rules
No two piers are alike. If you want to know how to catch redfish from a pier, you’ll want to learn about the rules and regulations of the pier you are visiting. Some piers charge for usage, others have set hours people are allowed to fish, and many have rules about what type of fish you can catch and how much. The last thing that you want ruining your adventure is a frustrating regulation keeping you from enjoying one of the oldest pastimes!
Don’t Leave Your Tackle and Rod Unattended
We like to assume the best in those around us, but it is safer never to leave your gear unattended. Even if there is no ill intent, a well-meaning passerby could take the equipment and deliver it to a lost-and-found area, depriving you of time and resources as you track your materials down.
Ensure You Have Bait and Tackle Ready
Whenever you fish in saltwater, you’ll need to make sure your bait and tackle are the correct size and shape and ensure it survives the tumultuous waters. Rite Angler has you covered in that department by offering a wide selection of rigs, soft bait, tackle, and pier fishing kits to make your weekend excursion to the pier one you’ll remember and love!