3 Pier Fishing Tips and Tricks
If you want a fun, adventurous, and relaxing weekend adventure, pier fishing is your excursion! What screams relaxation more than sitting, casting your line, and enjoying the beautiful weather as you snag a few story-worthy fish?
If that sounds exciting, here are three pier fishing tips that can make your next adventure to the pier memorable and relaxing!
Piers are Communal
Keep in mind that fishing piers are community areas. There may be several dozen people present. One of the best pier fishing tips to keep in mind is that everybody is there for the same reason: to have a good time. While it can be frustrating to find the perfect fishing spot, it is poor manners to try and cast your line while obstructing someone else or trying to force your way into an area.
Since piers are communal, one of the most incredible pier fishing tips we can provide is that you should enjoy the pier. Enjoy the people, make some new friends, or start a conversation. You’re all there for the same reason, so use that as a common ground for discussion.
Ensure You Have the Correct Bait and Tackle
The last thing you want is to come to the pier without the correct bait for what you want to catch. Not only does it slow you down, but it also puts you in a bad headspace–you’ll have to browse the local bait and tackle shops trying to find what you need, if they have it at all.
Luckily, Rite Angler has everything you need to ensure you have the correct bait and tackle for your pier adventure.
But, What if You Don’t Know Bait or Tackle?
One of the best pier fishing tips out there is, “Don’t be afraid to ask questions.” After all, how will you learn if you never ask? If you want to catch redfish, an excellent shrimp-shaped soft bait is fantastic for new and experienced anglers. Ordinarily, it is recommended to use live bait, but soft bait has become more accessible and is reusable: letting you fish immediately from the tackle box.
Which Tackle is Best?
That is up to personal preference. We recommend pier fishing kits with everything you need to start your pier fishing adventure. Be sure to also stock up on the correct equipment and pier fishing kits.
Finally, Have Fun!
The ultimate pier fishing tip: have fun. Sometimes you will go a whole day without getting a bite. Pier fishing is about adventure and experience. Feeling the saltwater tickles your nose, the wind throwing back your hair, and the people who make the journey.
And, of course, stocking up on the right equipment is paramount to having fun. Rite Angler has everything you need to make your new pier fishing experience better than the last, with soft bait, tackle, rigs, and pier fishing kits to make the adventure memorable.